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旋风永久免费加速器- 爬墙专用加速器

My name is Steve Smith and one of my hobbies is astronomy. Since I'm also into photography and computers, this page is a great way for me to combine many of my favorite things. It also gives me something to do when its cloudy!

This page is designed to share images, techniques, and information among people that are interested in astronomy. The bulk of these pages deal with the subject of astrophotography.

Clear sky prediction for El Paso;
stats.jpg (9365 bytes) Clear sky prediction for the Williams' Ranch;

My Motorcycle Page



Been a while!  No astronomy photos, but here's an interactive panorama taken with my Phantom 3 drone.
Click and drag to look around.  Use the right-click and drag to zoom in and out.


No astronomy photo updates, but I've added pics from a motorcycle trip to Arizona to the Motorcycle Page.

I posted an image of 爬墙梯子 to the galaxy page.
NGC2628 is a member of the famous Leo Trio.

I posted an image of a galaxy group including M58, M89, M90 to the galaxy page.
I also posted an image of NGC4567 and NGC4568 - The Siamese Twins to the galaxy page.
Both images were shot at this year's Texas Star Party.

I posted an image of M4 to the star cluster page.  This is the first image from this year's Texas Star Party.

March 28th was the night of the annual Messier Marathon where astronomers try to view all 110 Messier Objects in one night.  My previous record was 108 objects, but this year I got all 110.  In addition, a BIG feat was accomplished by one of our local club members.  Rich Richins actually imaged all 110 objects that night and he has created an 挂梯子.    Great job Rich!

I gathered some color data for the IC2177 image from 3-17-09 and posted  the image on the nebula page.

I posted an image of M81, M82 and NGC3077 to the galaxy page. 

I posted an image of IC2177 - The Seagull Nebula to the nebula page.  The data for this image was gathered over three nights.

With TSP coming up, I figured I'd better finish posting some of the images from last year's TSP.
I posted an image of dark nebulae B92 and B93 to the nebula page.
I posted an image of 好用的梯子 to the 挂梯子 page.
I also posted an image of M97 and M108 to the galaxy and 好用的梯子 pages.

I added another image and animation of comet C/2007 N3 Lulin to the comets page.

I added an image of M95, M96 and M105 to the 好用的梯子 page.

I added an image of comet C/2007 N3 Lulin to the comets page.  I also created an animation (1.8 megabytes) showing the comet's movement over a 25 minute timeframe.

I added an image of NGC2264 - the Christmas Tree Cluster and associated nebulosity to the star cluster page.

I added a color image of Barnard's Loop to the widefield page.  This image is one of my deepest shots and contains 6 hours worth of exposures.

I posted an image of M35 to the star cluster page.

I posted an image of IC2119 - The Witch Head Nebula to the nebula page.  This image was shot over 2 nights.  I also posted a
rollover image that shows the difference that the additional exposure  makes.

Santa brought me a new Orion Starshoot Pro CCD camera for Christmas.  Here is the first light image of the Rosette Nebula taken on Christmas Eve.
I also posted my '2nd light' image of Barnard's loop to the widefield page.  It was shot with a 35mm camera lens mounted to the front of the CCD.  Here is a shot of the adapter I used from Stellar Technologies International.   Here is a shot of the CCD and lens mounted together.

I added an image of the Whale and the Hockey Stick (NGC4656-7, NGC4631, andNGC4627) to the 挂梯子 page. 

I added some snapshots from this year's Texas Star Party to the misc page.

I added an image of the Leo Trio to the galaxy page. Compare that with my previous film image from 5 years ago.

I added an image of comet 免费梯子 to the comets page.

I added an image of Centaurus A (aka NGC5128) to the galaxy page. This image was taken at the 2007 Texas Star Party.
Compare it to my previous film version taken at the 2004 Texas Star Party.

I added a page documenting the installation of a ServoCAT Jr. goto system on my 14" TScope.

I added an image of Saturn captured through my 14" Dob to the planets page.

I posted an image of M86, M84 and part of Markarian's Chain to the galaxy page.

I posted an image of the International Space Station (ISS) traveling through Taurus near Venus to the satellites page.

I posted an image of M46 to the star cluster page.

I posted an image of the edge on spiral galaxy NGC4565 to the galaxy page.


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